วันจันทร์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2557

The main food category 5

The main food category 5

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1 protein, meat, eggs, nuts, milk proteins are considered the most important nutrient in the body. Help the body grow Repair protein is organic. The polymer Long chain of amino acids (amino acid) in the diet. Protein is a nutrient Energy to 1 gram of protein provides 4 calories of energy (calorie) protein is a component of the body. The second, with plenty of water. The basic components of living cells, such as enzyme (enzyme) hormones, which are essential to the work. And subsistence Is vital to the growth and strengthening of the wear of animal tissues. 
Benefits of Protein: help the growth. Repair building bone, muscle, digestive hormone. 
- Beneficial to the skin Make up the collagen fibers under the skin on the body. Leaves skin flexible Interface and allows the cells to stretch it as homogeneous. And protects it against premature aging. It also helps strengthen the cells in our hair and nails as well. 
- Beneficial to muscle Muscle bundle structure based on amino acid compositions of a variety of muscles. Thus, protein quality is important in creating muscle strength. 
- Beneficial to the recovery of the body and the immune system. Protein quality have helped to replace cells lost each day. Reduce blood clotting mechanism. The major component of the immune response in the body. 
- Beneficial to the digestive system The food we eat Require enzymes The secretions from the stomach, pancreas and small intestine to help transform meals into smaller units, and can be easily absorbed. If the body has protein, a component of the enzyme in sufficient quantities. It will provide food Digested and absorbed into the body more efficiently. 

2 carbs, sugar, white rice flour is a carbohydrate (carbohydrate) is an organic compound. A nutrient is a major source of human energy, carbohydrates, 1 gram = 4 calories of energy (calorie). 
Carbohydrate staple food category 5 
Benefits of Carbohydrates 
- Provide energy and heat (1 g 4 energy calories). 
- Helps the body use protein reserves in a way that is most beneficial. 
- Carbohydrate residues Transformed into fat in the body. 
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3 minerals or mineral A nutrient another body needs and because in some minerals vital organs and muscles, such as bones, teeth, blood type as part of various substances on the growth of the body, such as hormones, hemoglobin. Moreover, enzymes, minerals also help to control the functions of the various organs of the body to function normally, which control the muscles and nervous system. Blood clotting And help control water balance in the flow of fluids in the body. 
Benefits of Minerals 
Help in the muscle strength teeth help the skin. Help the digestive system Normal bowel and 
For example, food, minerals 
Vegetation types
4 Vitamins are nutrients that our body needs in small amounts. But it can not be broken Iodine deficiency can cause our body system disorders. Or various diseases Vitamins are divided into two guys. 
- Water-soluble vitamins include vitamin C and vitamin B complex. 
- Fat-soluble vitamins include vitamin A, D, E, K. Benefits of Vitamins 
Health of the skin to revitalize Mouth, gums and teeth and helps maintain healthy digestive system and excretion are normal. 
Sample foods provide vitamin 
Various fruits
5. fat for energy, which is a major component of triglycerides. (triglyceride), 1 gram of fat provides 9 calories of energy (calorie) while protein and carbo-hydrate 4 calories of energy. 
Benefits of Fat 
Energy and warm the body. Helps in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D and vitamin K also helps in preventing the fat. Vibration of internal organs with 
For example, a fatty diet 
- Fats are important nutrients that are needed by the body and is 1 in 5 among that useful. Apart from proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. 
- Fat helps in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (Fat soluble Vitamins), vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K, which is beneficial to the body. 
- Fats provide energy to the body, the highest is 9 calories per 1 gram of fat gives the body the energy to run and operate their normal routine. 
- Fat and heat protection. And regulates the body temperature constant. By acting as insulation (Thermal Insulator) of subcutaneous tissues and organs within the body. 
- Fat helps the body as a buffer. The progesterone protects the internal organs of the body. Caused by impact or movement of the body. This will prevent injury to the internal organs of the body. 
- Fat is an important component of tissue that is. Nerves of people are fat component at a higher rate. Specifically to cover the nerve Help in the prevention of nerve function effectively. When directed by the brain to the muscles and organs of the body. 
- Fat when combined with protein is a lipoprotein (Lipoproteins) are a key component of cells. The cell wall and not in Alexandria. This is useful for us. Because our bodies are composed of multiple identities by cell-cell and cell of our bodies. Are produced every day to repair the wear and tear that is, if the fat cells of our body is weak. Dead cells can not be rebuilt.

