วันจันทร์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2557

ทวีปยุโรป / Europe



Europe as a continent, both in terms of history and culture. Geographically Europe is a subcontinent on the west side of the Great Eurasian continent. Europe is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean. West to the Atlantic Ocean South to the Mediterranean and Black Sea. The east with the Central Mountains and the Caspian Sea.
Europe, with an area of ​​10,600,000 square kilometers, is the second smallest continent, Australia. It is the 3rd largest population after Asia, Europe and North Africa with a population of around 799 566 000 2546, or about 1 in 8 of the world's population.

The topography of the western European countries, including France. East of England, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark. 
1.Highlands and plains that lie between the plains and the mountains. The majority in the middle of the continent. The area is about 25 percent of Europe including the Eastern region of France. Southern Germany and Poland 
2.Mountain region is divided into two main fields. 
- Northern Rockies The Appalachian Mountains are trending in a northwest to southeast, including the mountainous Scandinavian peninsula in the Welsh and Scottish island of Ireland. Which is shorter and occurred long ago. 
- Southern Mountains Is the mountain range that lies in the east to the west. The mountains are high and the area is not a good crust. Therefore, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions are frequent.

Europe is divided into four regions, ie. 
- Northern Europe including Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. 
- Western Europe, including Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Republic Of Stein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland. And the UK 
- Eastern Europe, including Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia and Ukraine. 
- Southern Europe, including Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, the Republic of Srpska Macedonia, Malta, Portugal, San Marino, Slovenia, Spain, Montenegro, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo. 
- Territory as an independent state that is located in another two of the Vatican. Located in Rome, Italy and Monaco is located on the Mediterranean coast in France. Border from Italy)

European North: Arctic Ocean Nova's northernmost island of Puerto Eliya south contact. Mediterranean east to Asia. The mountains of the Caucasus, the Caspian Sea, Volga River between Europe and Asia.

Climate zone of Europe Can be divided into seven fields as follows: 
- Tundra climate. Or polar air As the field of cold weather throughout the year. The short summer of 1-2 months, the average temperature of the region. Of not more than 10 degrees Celsius, including vegetation, moss, lichen tundra climate zone of Europe, including the Scandinavian peninsula and the northern tip of Russia. 
- A semi Arctic climate zone or taiga. This is the weather in this area is cold in the winter. Average temperature of 6 degrees Celsius for a period longer than the summer tundra climate. The annual rainfall is between 500-1,000 mm natural vegetation is coniferous forest or taiga forest. The air look is Norway, Sweden and Finland. 
- Warm humid continental climate zone This zone is characterized by an air of winter is cold. Because, deep in the heart of the continent. Therefore not influenced by the ocean. Natural vegetation Deciduous and evergreen mixed. Areas with low rainfall. Natural vegetation is grass warm. The air look is the territory of Poland. Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia and Latvia. 
- FedEx marine west coast climate. This is the nature of the air in the summer air. Winters are mild The area is located near the ocean. It is influenced by the Atlantic Ocean. This makes the area a warm moist rain throughout the year. The average annual rainfall is 750-1500 mm natural vegetation is forest, temperate deciduous forests of mixed pine forest. Look at this climate Coverage area of ​​France, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, the United Kingdom. And south of Norway, and Sweden. 
- Warm, humid climates This area is characterized by warm air of summer heat. Rain throughout the year. The average annual rainfall of approximately 500-1,000 mm natural vegetation, including forests, subtropical or tropical pastures. The air look including the Balkans, Austria and Hungary. 
- Mediterranean-climate The weather in this area is an area that is sunny all year round. Hot and dry summer Winter, rain Average rainfall 500-1,000 mm per year Plants with unit of natural zones called Forest Mediterranean as Cork Oak, oranges, lemons, grapes forest spikes called wild Magee (maquis) in the air look, this is an area that shares a border with the sea. Mediterranean in the South of France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Serbia and Greece. 
- Climate is semi-desert grassland. The main characteristics of the climate in this region is an area with little rainfall. The average annual rainfall is below 500 mm grassland vegetation is sparse.

Career and Resources
1.Crop cultivation in Western Europe. Eastern and southern England. Northern and western France. Northern Germany, Ukraine, the plant is important. 
- Wheat grown the most, followed by France, Italy, Spain, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary. 
- Oats, rye, barley, beans, potatoes grown in general. 
- Orange, lemon, apple, grapes, olives and various fruits. Growing up a Mediterranean climate zone. Including Italy, France, Spain, Greece 
- The blade is made from flax, hemp linen. Grown in Belgium, Ireland, Poland 
2.Animal Party to the topography and climate. 
- Tundra zone is fed reindeer antlers. 
- Grazing steppes. With beef cattle, goats, sheep, horses. 
- Mediterranean area With beef cattle and sheep. 
- High mountains and plateaus with beef cattle, dairy sheep. 
- Warm, moist, north of the Balkan Peninsula. A pig with corn 
- West Coast Marine Regions Dairy farming is 
3.Logging found in Russia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, in the pine forest. The softwood Used to produce pulp 
4.Inland fisheries are important. 
- Especially in the North Sea, North Atlantic warm current meets the cold East Greenland current. Was a source of much of the world fish is called. Bank of tread breaker Countries catch up King of the United Kingdom, Iceland, Norway. 
- Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean Sea. Especially in the Black Sea Caspian Sea and Volga River. Sturgeon is caught We made ​​eggs Carl allowed. 
5.Mining Europe is a continent with abundant iron ore and coal. 
- Coal is the major source of northern England. Belgium's central Germany's Ruhr Valley Southern Poland Region of the Slovak Republic, Ukraine, Siberia, Russia. 
- Iron is an important source 
         Sources and Calle Bolivar Kiruna in northern Sweden. 
         Krivoy source rock in Ukraine. 
         Source of Lawrence south east of France. 
- Oil and Gas The major sources of Europe in the North Sea. And around the Caspian Sea 
- When the bauxite has aluminum smelting. Major producers in the south of France, Yugoslavia, Hungary Ural Mountains in Russia. 
- Potash is used in fertilizers and soaps. Manufactured in France, Germany, Spain, Russia. 
6.European industry is known as the industrial North. Because almost all the country people Most workers in the industrial sector. Industry sources, mainly in Western Europe, such as Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Eastern Europe, in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. 
7.European trade due to the advancement of industry and technology. Making Europe a trade with other regional economic groups and the Law. 
- European Union (EU-European Union). 
- The European Free Trade Association (EFTA-European Free Trade Association) market trading between countries, including countries in Europe and North America. 
8.Transportation Europe is the continent with the most advanced transportation. 
- Automobile highways linking the city with. Industrial zones and countries A distance of about 1 in 5 of the world's cars. 
- Rail Europe has a 1 in 3 trains of the railway in the world. The country has a long rail on the median area and most are Belgium, followed by the United Kingdom. Switzerland Switzerland The city is a transportation hub by rail is Paris, London, Berlin, Warsaw, Moscow. 
- Air each country has its own airline. Contact between domestic International And intercontinental Hub of the capital of each country. 
- River water is used for domestic and international transportation, including the Rhine, Danube, Seine River Volga River Oder. And a canal to transport, such as the Kiel Canal in Germany between the Baltic and the North Sea. A canal linking the Mediterranean to the Atlantic in France.

