วันจันทร์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Asean / อาเซียน


Association of Southeast Asian Nations (English: Association of South East Asian Nations) and ASEAN (ASEAN) is a geopolitical and economic organization in Southeast Asia. There are 10 member countries, including Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Singapore and Indonesia. ASEAN has an area of ​​approximately 4,435,670 square kilometers and has a population of around 590 million people  in the year 2553, the GDP of the member countries together account for approximately $ 1.8 trillion which is No. 9 in the world. Sort by GDP ASEAN countries have English as the official language. 
ASEAN, with the beginning of voluntary associations. It was founded in July 2504 by Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines in the year 2510, has been signed. Bangkok Declaration ASEAN was formed, with members from five countries with the aim to cooperate to increase the rate of economic growth. Social Development Cultures of the Member States And the maintenance of peace and stability in the region. And the opportunity to relax peacefully disputes between Member States After 2527, the ASEAN member states increased to 10 at present. The ASEAN Charter was signed in December 2551, which makes similar status with the EU, ASEAN has even more ASEAN FTA in place since early 2553 and force the pace. towards the ASEAN Community It consists of three areas: the ASEAN Political-Security. AEC And the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community by the year 2558 .

 Society volunteers and Bangkok Declaration 
Association of South-East Asia since the beginning of July, 2504, by Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines have jointly organized the volunteers (ASA, Association of South East Asia) to the economic, social and cultural cooperation. But action is only 2 years to a halt. Because of the shift politically between Indonesia and Malaysia. When restoring relations between the two countries. We have to seek establishment of economic cooperation in the region. "The Association of Southeast Asian Nations" and feel it's neck Foreign Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand the government of Thanom Chom Phon pervading the signing. "Bangkok Declaration" that entail Palace on August 8, 2510, which was signed by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the five founding members including Adam Malik of Indonesia, Narcissa Zoe Ramos. of the Philippines, Abdul Razak of Malaysia, S.., King Kong, Singapore and Gyeongnam aptitude Khoman of Thailand. Which is considered the founding father of the organization. 
The purpose of the establishment of ASEAN in the external environment to the needs of the parents of the member countries will focus on building the country. Concern over the spread of communism together. Faith or outside the powers of the decline in the decade to 2500 as the economic development of the country. The purpose of the establishment of ASEAN because ASEAN is different from the EU was created to support the Nationalists.
In 2519, Papua New Guinea has observer status. Throughout the decade, and in 2510 the country has established an economic cooperation seriously. The result of the meeting in Bali in 2519, but such cooperation has been heavily affected during the decade prior to 2520 was restored in 2534, Thailand proposed to be due. established a FTA in Brunei later joined as a member of the six countries on January 8, 2527 after Brunei declared independence on January 1, only one week. 
Vietnam later joined the seven countries on 28 July 2538, not long after that. Laos and Myanmar to join the nation's eighth and ninth, respectively, on July 23, 2540, while Cambodia wishes to join. But was postponed due to political disputes in the country. Until 30 April 2542, Cambodia has become a member country of ten. The Cambodian government is stable. 
During the decade 2530 ASEAN has experienced both sides of the Member States is increasing. Including efforts to gather into one group to the next one up in the year 2533, Malaysia has proposed a Southeast Asian economic cooperation. Which comprises ASEAN China Japan and South Korea Intended to counterbalance the influence of the United States, which increased more in ODA Asia - Pacific (APEC) and the Asia region as a whole. But such deals were canceled. It has been opposition from Japan and the United States. Despite failures in the field. The Group is also able to integrate the country into the next one. 
In 2535, with the signing of a special tariff plan as well (Common Effective Preferential Tariff) with the aim to increase the competitiveness of ASEAN as a production base to enter the product key. global Market By virtue of liberalization of trade and the reduction of tariffs and non-tariff barriers to trade barriers. Including the change in tariffs to facilitate the trade. Such a framework for the ASEAN Free Trade Area. After the Asian financial crisis in 2540, Malaysia's proposal was raised again in Chiang Mai. Also known as The Chiang Mai Initiative This integration between ASEAN and other countries in Asia, the other three countries, namely China, Japan and South Korea. 
Apart from the economic cooperation of its member countries. ASEAN also aims to maintain peace and stability in the region on December 15, 2538 with the signing of the Treaty of the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapons Free Zone. The Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapons Free Zone. The treaty came into force on 28 March 2540, which prohibits all nuclear weapons in the region. [20] 
The ASEAN Declaration on Cooperation in the second edition (English: Bali Concord II) in the year 2546, ASEAN countries signed the Agreement on the democratic peace theory. This means that All member countries of the belief that the principles democratic cause of peace and stability in the region and the country is not democracy at present did agree that democracy is a regime that other Member States should be pursuing. 
The leaders of the member countries Particularly Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia. Recognizing the need to integrate band seriously. Starting from 2540, ASEAN has begun to address many of the organization founded in an attempt to achieve this goal. ASEAN Plus Three is the first organization to be established. The objective is to strengthen the relationship with China. Japan and South Korea Followed by East Asia Conference The other three participating countries, namely India, Australia and New Zealand. The Group, with a plan that is the foundation of a future East Asian community. , Drafted by the European Community, now the condition, then after that ASEAN has set up a group of experts. The effects of both a positive and negative aspects of such a policy. As well as the possibility of drafting an ASEAN Charter in the future. 
ASEAN in the year 2549, the General Assembly granted observer status. The present status of ASEAN "The debate," to the United Nations in return. In addition, on 23 July of that year's San Joaquim gods - Horta, Prime Minister of Timor - Leste. Have signed on to participate in an official member of ASEAN. And expect to get observer status for five years before getting the status of a country completely. 
In 2550, ASEAN celebrated the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the ASEAN and the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations with the United States on 26 August 2550, ASEAN aims to achieve. All the free trade agreements with China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand in the year 2556 with the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community by the year 2558, in November 2550, ASEAN member countries. signing of the ASEAN Charter The regulations, which take care of the relationship between the ASEAN member countries. And elevate ASEAN as an international organization is required by law. Free Trade Area of ​​China - ASEAN took effect on 1 January 2553 as a free trade area with the largest population in the world and has a GDP that is ranked third in the world. 
February 27, 2552 with the signing of a free trade agreement between ASEAN 10 countries, with New Zealand and Australia. It has been estimated that the FTA will increase GDP in 12 countries and more than 48 million dollars between 2543 to 2563 by the year 2554 Timor - Leste plans to submit a letter requesting admission. a member of the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta. The number eleven member countries of the ASEAN Summit in Jakarta. Indonesia appears to welcome Timor - Leste warmly.

Currently, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations member countries, consisting of 10 countries, representing approximately 4.5 million square kilometers. And a population of about 560 million (in 2549), the highest peak is Mount Observation Bora region C in Burma. With a height of 5,881 meters and the border with China, India, Bangladesh. 
Southeast Asia has a tropical climate. Temperature is between 27-36 ° C the natural vegetation is tropical rainforest. It has the world's second largest rainforest, deciduous forest, pine forest, sandy beach forests are an important crop is rice, maize, cassava, pineapple, rubber, palm oil and pepper.

The Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia. It is concluded that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the number six as follows. 
1.To respect the independence, sovereignty, equality. Territorial integrity and national identity of all members. 
2.Each member state has the right to be free from outside interference. Territorial aggression and coercion. 
3.Not to interfere with the internal affairs of other member states. 
4.Recognition of the differences between them. Or solve problems together in peace. 
5.Condemn or deny the threat or use of force. 
6.To cooperate with each other effectively.

Is there a third ASEAN +3 countries as China, Japan, South Korea and the 10 ASEAN countries, with the first three countries, Malaysia would like to join this group to counterbalance the economic influence of the United States, Japan and the United States, but was vetoed. But it is also a meeting. 

ASEAN +6 is China, Korea, Japan, Australia, India and New Zealand, said the six countries that are not members of the ASEAN. for Japan ASEAN countries are building economic ties between the deeper, including the creation of a free trade area. Some of which will be accomplished as soon as possible and within ten years. More importantly, it is ASEAN may make the ASEAN Plus Three (which is Japan, Korea and China) became the East Asia Summit (East Asia Summit) and create a free trade area in East Asia, which has slowly consumed 2 billion people.

